Still life drawing


Three Paintings by Gustav Klimt
Water Serpents I

her long hair coils with hers in drifting circles--
bronze--tangles together overcome
by curves of seaweed. at her back a basilisk
unrolls scales of disparate shape--
patterns of gold circles. Unwinds.
lines willow in, embrace in female sinuosity.
hips slide together. become one
in pattern. so joined. they do not divide.
limbs merge in love
breast to breast pressed...
her rib--the other's upper arm--
indistinguishable. one.
a serpent turns its body, swims
out of the picture. and another in.
curves soft and hard blend
into the black water. bring
pattern of passion. a serpent
enters their embrace.
they. serpentine. embrace.


Three Paintings by Gustav Klimt
Water Serpents II

naked water nymphs. four. swim.
drift in spindrift deep water
snake into patterns
of geometric progression.
stars. flowers of glass. caught
in flowing hair. intense
enchantment. she. one spritely mermaid peeks
over her embracing hand. Insolent eyes
rub you with an impolite stare.


Three Paintings by Gustav Klimt
Danae's Gold

A gold coin tumbles in her lap;
she touches it--amazed--wondering,
and her hand is covered
by the clatter of more treasure--
her lap is covered.
She quickly moves away from the cascade,
startled, nervous, but wherever she moves,
coins fall on her creamy skin.
Unknowing why, she feels compelled
to drop her garments
to receive the shower,
to meet his hot falling
where it lingers among her thighs,
and her parted lips call out--oh, god--
yes--rain on me gently
and I will unfold under your touch
and flower, demanding, darkening,
pink--cerise--red. Breathless,
she opens, and the golden shower
tumbles in and in and in,
impregnating her with dazzling metal.
He shines in her now,
and she shines back,
her body lifts to celebrate
the endless coming of gold.

Therese Leigh

Copyright © Therese Leigh
September 1996

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Copyright © 1996 A Small Garlic Press. All rights reserved.
Created 1996/9/15. Updated last on 2000/7/17.