This is the sixth printed volume of A Small Garlic Press's on-line/print serial. Our continued aim in print is to produce a simple, linear and modest listing of texts colorfully set in ring-structure rooms, accessible from the web (and soon, on CD-ROM).
Of special interest is the strong women's voice, even stronger than the norm for our pages, hence the cover. But I will refrain from talking anymore about the cover -- why not obtain the issue ($2 plus mailing) and find out.
This, the 6th, is very dear to us because of all the interlocking scintillations of excellent rec.arts.poems and beyond writers, honing the feminine. This certainly includes the strong writing by men included here. Helen Walne has a poem in here. Zoogirl, from England, had so many we had to put one on the inside cover. And the British contingent continues to claim a poetic hold with Colin Will's "Marigold."
shelle m. barton 1-2
katrina grace craig 3
Tom Craig 4-5
Holly Day 6
Michael Estabrook 7
Anna Evans 8-9
Christine J. Fahnel 10
Rudd Gates 11-13
Jeannette Harris 14-15
lindsay jane 16-18
Jenniffer Lesh 19-22
Marek Lugowski 23
Scott Murphy 24-25
Marguerite K. A. Petersen 26
Michael Ripley 27-29
Alex Utterman 30-35
Bernadette L. Wagner 36-37
Diane Wald 38-39
Helen Walne 40
Colin Will 41
Zoogirl 42-47 & cover
On line, as of 2 June 2001, we are editing Issue 13 now, with 238 installations permanently making up Agnieszka's Dowry web-set, many as multiple pieces, quite a few as long poems. We are into the 6th year of AgD's existence (date of birth: 8 Marcg 1996), and things feel solid, backed by enormous store of heretofore unpublished talent it has been our good fortune to publish.
Good reading to you.
the Swiss Silk room
Katja's Mousepad
The Neon Night Sky
Agnieszka's Dowry (AgD) ISSN 1088-4300, on-line
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Copyright © 1998 A Small Garlic Press. All rights reserved.
Created 1998/5/29. Updated last on 2008/5/2.