This is the twelfth and exclusively haiku volume of A Small Garlic Press's on-line and printed serial. It features 9 authors. It is guest-edited by jen jensen. More on that below.
Our continued aim in printing these chapbooks is to record on paper just the texts which are otherwise colorfully set in ring-structures (rooms), accessible from the web. See below for the "wormhole" to the on-line room which comprises this issue -- the pretty pretty pretty room.
Issue 12 is a special issue on American haiku, guest-edited by our own VP Technology and webmaster, jen jensen, who also writes haiku. In all, 9 authors were chosen with multiple haiku per author. Why 9? We created the on-line pretty pretty pretty room and designated it as the special haiku issue -- and it just so happens to have 9 items in its ring. Accordingly, jen had a budget of exactly 9 slots and filled them one by one strictly by merit, in each case culling from up to 40 submitted haiku per author to anywhere from 6 to 14 items, most often 9 or 10. We think the resulting body of work is exceptional and we worked hard to present it capably.
Each author's section starts on a new right-handside page. There are at most 3 haiku per page. Yes, it looks sharp and we used extra heavy and opaque matte paper. The cover is a Japanese cartoon by Kyoko Okazaki from Tokyo, Japan. She is a famous cartoonist in Japan. Her work comes to us from the cover of her own comic book and was adopted to grayscale on a birch wood-patterned and colored cover stock.
As usual, there are no author biographies.
Susan Bond, 1-4
Ferris Gilli, 5-7,
Kim Hodges, 9-13
Jim Kacian, 15-18
paul m., 19-22
Paul David Mena, 23-26
W.F. Owen, 27-29
Jo Lea Parker, 31-33
Cindy Zackowitz, 35-36
pretty pretty pretty
Agnieszka's Dowry (AgD) ISSN 1088-4300, on-line
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Created 2001/3/13. Updated last on 2008/5/2.