_Agnieszka's Dowry (AgD) Issue 10_ cover art

Agnieszka's Dowry (AgD), Issue 10 (Book)

ISSN 1088-4300
ISBN 1-888431-25-3
52 pages.

This is the tenth and one of the larger volumes of A Small Garlic Press's on-line and printed serial. It features 22 authors, a happy number indeed. They are all very good, as you may immediately verify by reading the content of this book online (see below).

Our continued aim in printing these chapbooks is to record on paper just the texts which are otherwise colorfully set in ring-structures (rooms), accessible from the web (and soon, electronically: all of http://asgp.org/agnieszka.html). See below for the "wormholes" to the on-line rooms which comprise this issue: hopi silver and The Story of Ms. Hair.

Issue 10 runs the range from academic poetry to bruising immigrant idiom. I think it's delicious. You be the judge. Use the wormholes to get into the stuff online, but don't disappoint us -- buy a paper copy to take to bed. Pretty please. Among our favorites (we are allowed to have them, you know): Helen Walne's letter to Agnieszka from a South African wedding; also, a wallop of fantastic poems from John Surowiecki. And one of our rare moments -- a boy coming-of-age poem. Sure, why not? Agnieszka is curious and lives a full life. Also: This is the AgD debut of David Bolduc, with his poem about that cruelty which took place in Wyoming. We hope you will love this issue, rounding out our first decade of Agnieszkas, as Paul Mena dubbed it, as much as we do. Read on!

As is our AgD custom, the sorted alphabetically by author writing, and the table of contents (in the back, per Marek's European upbringing), is all you get. There are no author biographies, just poetry we like. Hope you do, too.


Arlene Ang, 1-2
Petrina Barson, 3,
Julie Becker, 4-6
William J. Boerst, 7-8
David Bolduc, 9
Wayne Crawford, 10-11
Bridget Cross, 12-13
Michelle S. Cummiskey, 14
Alicia A. Curtis, 15-16
Erin Elizabeth, 17-18
Michael Estabrook, 19
Mary Keller, 20-21
Danielle C. Le, 22
Rebecca Patrascu, 23-25
Judith Pordon, 26
Karla Rogers, 27-28
Kathleen Rogers, 29
Jim Rushton, 30-31
Madelaine Sauk, 32
Trina Stolec, 34-35
John Surowiecki, 36-43
Helen Walne, 44-46

Click Here to learn how to obtain this chapbook (mail-ordering; store locations).

A wormhole to: Hopi Silver
A wormhole to: The Story of Ms. Hair
To the Magazine: Agnieszka's Dowry (AgD) ISSN 1088-4300, on-line

Chapbooks: Return to A Small Garlic Press on-line catalog

Copyright © 2000 A Small Garlic Press. All rights reserved.
Created 2000/4/13. Updated last on 2008/5/2.