A Small Garlic Press -- Streamlined Traversal + Software

A Small Garlic Press,
a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization, Chicago, Illinois,
an Illinois not-for-profit corporation,
FEIN #36-4126633

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Software needed

To read the content of the Portable Document Format links listed as our Broadsides, unless your computer system opens PDFs natively, as does any Mac OS X or OS X machine or any iOS device, you need a PDF viewer, such as the Adobe Acrobat Reader. It's free for the download and runs on all major platforms. There are other free equivalents, for example xpdf for the X Window System on unix, VMS, OS/2, Amiga, linux, etc.

No other software is recommended/needed to view items on the ASGP pages, save for a web browser, any browser, from the latest and greatest IE/Opera/Firefox/Sea Monkey/Safari/whatever, to the forgotten and the decrepit (try Mosaic 1.0 or Netscape 4), to the joke of a browser in a 10-year-old flip phone, to a specialized browser that reads to the blind or to people who like to be read to.


Link element navigation

Owing to our "wiring" the entire site for the HTML 4.0 <link> HTML element in our META page headers, it is possible to uniformly navigate the structure of the entire site; in particular, it is a breeze to visit every page in sequence using just the carriage return (Lynx) or by pressing the same links navigation toolbar interface button (SeaMonkey, Mozilla, Opera, iCab, Links, Elinks, w3m, Lynx and Lynx-based browsers for the physically-impaired, the blind or those who simply like to be read aloud to), or by performing the equivalent of this "next" gesture, perhaps via voice.

In the two most popular browsers, Internet Explorer and Firefox, this can be had by installing an extension that provides a link navigation toolbar. Link navigation toolbars for various browsers are described by the 17 June 2007 article (it may be archived at the time you read this, in archive.org) "Link Bars: How Link Relations Are Implemented" (version 1.51) on the Webcoder.info website.

On our site, a standard set of these controls is provided as well, and several custom ones that show up in iCab, Lynx, SeaMonkey and Mozilla -- as well as in the extension-enhanced Internet Explorer and Firefox, but not in Opera (versions 9 through, currently, 19). Unfortunately, not all browsers implement support for structural navigation, but those that support client-side JavaScript, can be easily provided with a toolbar described and linked to in the abovementioned Webcoder.info article: it is called "linknav.js".

In Lynx, the first item that is displayed on any ASGP page with standard navigation is a hashmark-prefaced list of buttons at the top of the page. Pressing hashmark (number sign) anywhere on any page puts the cursor on the first of these, which in our case is the aforementioned "next" -- hence our blessedly concise carriage-return navigation for textual browsing: Poem pages do not have any such standard navigation, because they are designed to be speed-navigated in Lynx. The first link on every ppoem page is the link to the next poem in the room, and they all form a one-way ring (one-way linked list). Hitting the space bar to see more of the page, and then carriage return once, to get to the next poem, is all you need to do to traverse the entire magazine. No tabbing, no mouse. No other keystrokes.

In Opera, navigation is even more streamlined, owing to the Operatic fact that hitting the space bar at the bottom of a page navigates to the next page specified by first link on the current page, which for us is always the "next" link or the next poem in the ring.

Tell us of any rendering problems, please, or of any problems. We like praise. We especially like in-depth press reviews about our geeky, nerdy stuff you've read about on this page, and interviews: any published accounts that could be used as "reliable sources for Wikipedia articles about us and our 19-year-old Agnieszka's Dowry literary serial." ;)

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Copyright © 1996-2015 A Small Garlic Press. All rights reserved.
Created 1996/3/3. Updated last on 2015/4/1. Happy 19th birthday to Agnieszka's Dowry. (8 March, UNESCO Day of the Woman)