The Cambridge Cuckold

Become the Cambridge Cuckold,
the mean water murmurs green.
I mean, my chastity wants to come there broken
on little pencil feet.

I am here again, Professor Cupboard;
keep me safe inside you.
Cup me in your palm like chalk
kiss me in the cold river of neckties.
Check me, cheek by cheek
behind an oak closet
each door closes solid as a pen click,
open calligraphy of my legs.

Ladle your love like salted broth
on my tongue and have me swallow,
squawk a baby robin song,
and I am small inside you again
your breath falls out in puffs of frosted ivy.
I veil my eyes; now you will not quite see
my excuses ring so clear
in the corners of gathered sleep.

Dab me dry as a lily
as you grasp me up from the earth
let me float in mossy water.
Give me to the koi for shade.
I am a picture frame
carved from delicate finger bone;
fill me with something
that sounds like raindrops on paper.

Karyna McGlynn

Copyright © Karyna McGlynn
March 2003

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Created on 2002/5/30. Updated last on 2003/8/13.