what she said

i cant dream anymore.
i forgot how, and
you got all them big words
shit i dont understand
and i feel put off by you
when you talk that shit to me
you and your temper
and that dictionary shoved up
yer ass, i just cant
take it no more
and im tired of you bitching
about katlynn not being able
to read at five, and i dont care if you
learned to read at three or whenever the fuck
cause i done spoke to
a coupla kinnergarden teachers
an' according to them
they dont like it when
kids come into school
so educated, it pisses them off,
and you always want too much too fast
i tell ya, too much too soon
and katlynn dont cotton to
you bossing her around and trying to
get her to behave like you do, ya know?
and it kinda angers me to boot
the way you carry on
and nigger aint a color its a way of life
and i dont see why you get so pissed
when i say it,
and if i want to keep guns around i will
and if i aint fucking you enough then you
jes better git on and git it someplace else
and stop telling me im so mean to you, got it?
i dont owe you anything, and i think
its selfish of you to run off and write
and travel while im here in the woods
without a pot to piss in - nothing!
should be happy i let you see
your daughter finally, but you ask
for too much too soon and you are driving me crazy!
crazy, you know? i think youre insane,
you big dope, and i think you should go away
anywheres, but dont leave me and the kid
and goddammit i hate being poormouth'd,
your poormouthing me and i hate it, you hear?
and dont ask me when im getting the divorce from him
cause my life is mine and yours is yours
and i cant believe you quit your job,
you sonofabitch. just go home before i shoot you

c earl nelson

Copyright © c earl nelson
September 1996

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Copyright © 1996 A Small Garlic Press. All rights reserved.
Created 1996/9/9. Updated last on 2000/7/17.