Anne Marie
divorce brought her city
maturity to dull bungalow
hell pastel suburb one
ticket town to my
high school one grade 10
seat behind my own
too big too bold to blend
with anorexia peer pressure
cooked trendy pastel girls
her hair drooped long
and greasy into smudged
black bloodshot eyes
she sold me her Beatles
Abbey Road for 5 bucks
needing money to buy
temporary escape out of
boredom but for absolutely
free she taught me to smoke
curb sitting student parking
lots of leather grimy faces
and smoke delicious and
shrouding blue grey no
pastels no halos
just cool and hot
Player's Light regulars
held between first two
fingers spread as lips
love suck cheeks sink
the brown sweet weedy
taste deep and hold tight
my mouth my lips my
excitement too wet
i'll ruin the filter
she laughs a husky loud
throaty boozy noise
keeping my attention rapt
Ann Marie got enough sold
everything worth anything
money to leave my boredom
and move back to Montreal
her largeness her loudness
never missed by the pastels
Karen Hussey
Copyright © Karen Hussey
March 1996
...a poem in this room by A.C. Missias...
My Good Name
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Copyright © 1996 A Small Garlic Press. All rights reserved.
Created 1995/3/29. Updated last on 2000/7/17.