Subject: bad girls blossom
Organization: all girl singers


nowhere at night is it best felt than here
with you arms cradled like oceaned moons

waves of our light founder our shores our
deep breathing comes in droves pleasured

by the motors of simple slippery touch we are
encumbered only by dreams more dreamed

than known more remembered every day sputtering
batteries stored in the moment reveal me as

lived in your notch folded daily invisible but there
also noticed as your girl as your honey

a liquid wax warm and soft poured over moments
in bed together entangled beyond belief

ergo belief this fragile straw of white bones a massive
bridge of rupture and failed discovery until

as women we unwind the straws fetch the string to
tie our limbs in ecstasy clothe our hearts

in two we buy more time by magic

Organization: girls make sense

look in the mirror
hold up the book
bad dreams out of
focus slice a rose
in two the jittery
edges cohere am I
a little late when
all else fails little
bit of doubt when
this is us all of us


Copyright © deirdre
April 1997

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Copyright © 1997 A Small Garlic Press. All rights reserved.
Created 1997/4/27. Updated last on 2000/7/17.