Two repulsively fat people soliciting each other for sex, unaware that the pursuit will be more pleasurable than the act itself.

Am I everything you wanted?
Or did you expect a prince more predictable and tame?
A marionette perhaps, complete with bendable limbs, and expendable ego.
All I can offer is intellectual intercourse, and a heart on demand to quench demons and satiate desires... if you dare.
Once upon a time there was a land.
A sexophobic society full of knights, chivalry and courtly love.
They died out.
What good are guns without ammunition?
I have bullets.

Am I everything you wanted?
Or did you expect a princess more daring and wanton?
An Amazon queen with cantaloupe breasts, legs of ivory, and uninhibited tastes.
I offer you my chaste mind, my pristine valley, and my puritan loyalty... if you'll have me.
Once upon a time there was a star.
Out of sight and far from the conquered constellations.
It burned out.
What good are stars without a telescope.
Adjust your lens.

Isaac Brody

Copyright © Isaac Brody
April 1999

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Created 1998/4/28. Updated last on 2000/7/17.