Karen Tellefsen was born in Hackensack, New Jersey, about ten miles west of New York City. She grew up in Washington Township, a typical northern New Jersey suburb, but she was too nerdy to be a proper Jersey girl. She spent her childhood mostly on books, science and art, and she never wore big hair.

She received a BS in Chemistry from Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey and a Ph. D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of Ottawa in Ontario. Her thesis research was on the surface oxidation of gold electrodes. She met and married Frank Houlihan when they were both graduate students. They currently live in a typical northern New Jersey suburb with their two doggesses, Isis and Nephthys.

Between undergraduate and graduate studies, Karen worked for a small company in Westchester County. There she assisted in the development of an electrochemical detector for hydrazine vapors, used by NASA in the Space Shuttle program. After her graduate studies, she worked for a largish research and engineering concern. There she developed requirements and tests intended to prevent outdoor and underground utility equipment from corroding into uselessness. This sometimes involved descending into manholes to play with corroded hardware and mud, which was the fun part of the job. She currently works for a manufacturer of materials for electronics assembly, where she works on electrical reliability and ionic contamination measurements and lots of customer technical service. This means she spends most of her day on the phone. She has also worked on industrial standards concerning corrosion and electronics reliability.

Meanwhile, Karen has continued to dabble in the visual arts and, more recently, poetry. Her illustrations have been used in small-press magazines and various newsletters. Her poems have been published in Agnieszka's Dowry as well as Fresh Oil, Loose Gravel and have appeared in a few electronic literary journals.

Karen's Private Website

Karen's Chapbook: Quatrain

Chapbooks: A Small Garlic Press catalog

A Small Garlic Press book author profile. Last updated on 2002/7/1.
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